Computer Science DEpartment

Computer science is a science that includes the applications of algorithmic processes encountered in hardware and software. It produces solutions to the problems encountered in technological, economic, scientific and social fields. Four main subjects are studied within this discipline: theory, abstraction, design and practice. The theoretical aspect provides mathematical and scientific background of the subject of computation. Abstraction includes the principles of algorithms, data structures, modeling of hardware architecture. However, Design and practice use the tools and theory necessary for the development of hardware and software systems. These tools include programming languages, databases, network protocols, client/ server architecture, web technology, etc.

Computer science has become parts in almost every aspect of our lives, from the cars we drive to the movies we watch. Understanding the different dimensions of computer science is one of the essential features that a trained 21st century person should have. Computer innovations dynamically lead to a competitive environment that is moving forward. Hence, one of the fields that earn the most in business life and provides the highest job satisfaction is computer science. For this reason, the field of computer science offers new possibilities in terms of both career opportunities and satisfaction.

Accordingly, in this department we aim to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Graduating qualified cadres who are able to meet the needs of labor market.
  2. Providing the opportunities to the students to work in laboratories at the universal level.
  3. Providing the students with a strong background in basic information technology and basic sciences.